Moment: a very brief period of time, an exact point in time, an appropriate time for doing something; an opportunity.
Limbo: an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition.
Exploring the theme of transition/stagnation through Jimi Tsang’s daily commute in Hong Kong as it’s caught between its post British colonial era and its coexistence with the ‘peaceful development’ of China. Limbo can be interpreted as the fleeting period during Tsang’s commute between his family life and work duties; the only time he makes images. Yet it can also be interpreted as the uncertain period of Hong Kong’s future in these post-Umbrella Revolution times.
The photographs were initially part of Tsang’s exhibition in April 2019 and is sequenced as a journey through the dense streets of Hong Kong. It invites viewers to relish these moments, as Tsang poses the question: what direction are we heading?
Made with 35mm film between 2015-2018